Myth 1 - It is expensive "Japanese car imports"
False. Generally , you'll save 25% , but 35 % is not uncommon to import a car from Japan . What to pay for a $ 12,000 vehicle from your local dealer , you can buy the same or similar model $ 8,500 or less importer .
Myth 2 - You can import very few models
Nonsense . You get more options for Japanese car imports from Japan . Local simply can not fit all , but when you go to the source of all models and equipment options are available distributors . You also have access to Japanese auctions and used well. All cars for sale in Japan is potentially yours .
Myth 3 - It would be hard to sell a car I import
Absurd. There are many smart people who import and sell Japanese cars for a living ! The difference between the import price and the sale price makes them a tidy profit . They can offer more car models that local and often dealers can beat your price match.
Myth 4 - Only the older models are available for import from Japan
No way! You can get cars released exclusively in Japan and have a very rare compared to the language of your country model . You can be the first to get models that have not yet done so outside Japan by filtration through distributors in your area. Again, a car for sale in Japan can be yours.
Myth 5 - Japanese car imports are complicated and difficult
Although the idea seems daunting , is a guide available . In him every step of the way for Japanese car imports to the United States, Canada , Britain and Australia is specified. It all sensitive issues such as customs entry and simple language are detailed . So enjoy your race Japanese car imports today!