Automated Y8 Car Parking Management System With Several Features

   System automatic parking management is essentially an architecture designed to manage many areas in which each parking area is equipped with an automatic up .

   This system is activated by a door and an exit door cameras closed circuit television to capture the image of the license plate of a vehicle in and out , respectively. Computerized management of y8 car parking communicates via the Internet with a remote control center .

   Automated management system provides state park management - generation to meet the demands of professional management and innovative modern y8 car parking. In this automated system , we can provide y8 car parking systems on the ground floor and a multi storey car park with several features .

These features include :

- Access to space
- Control the flow of vehicles
- Manual and automatic mode of payments
- Can provide administrative account statements and authorized person
- Access control 24x7 license plate recognition
- Automatic operation of doors and retractable poles
- Review the Agenda
- Time management and customer account
- Management of existing public and private vehicles

   Automatic parking is a fully automatic , centralized solution for multi - site parking , which is available 24x7 throughout the week . As we know, is based on recognition registration plate so easy to use .


- Safety of public parking , parking companies , banks , railway stations , administrations, etc.
- Access control for hotels , resorts, campgrounds, etc.
- Access control for industrial suppliers and logistics
- Automatic billing

    The automated parking management can also be integrated with the parking management software that can manage:

- The site design
- File Up- to-date users
- Annex to the checkpoint / user
- Number of y8 car parking spaces by area
- Report of inflow and outflow
- Management costs time / y8 car parking
- The shared y8 car parking fees

   In this system, large y8 car parking sites can be managed by interconnecting multiple sites. All access points are then centrally managed from a centralized server .

   An automatic y8 car parking system parking comprises a frame and at least one car charger elevation. The parking rack is divided into a plurality of y8 car parking spaces. This car charger - elevation has a pair of wings comb to make a car in a couple of platforms comb , which are performed on each parking space in the parking rack .

   Management automated parking permits rapid , no alternative reading - without error duplicate traditional means of site security . With a variety of transponder form factors that can be mounted on or in the vehicle , people can enter a secure area , without having to open a door or window to get a permit. For automated parking management , we can accommodate more cars in less space. This formula can be applied to almost any city in the world . This is probably the main reasons why automated y8 car parking systems are a very attractive alternative to conventional y8 car parking systems car, making use of the available space more efficiently .